
Read Dedicated to romantic people

Saint Valentine's ideas



The shop “Elilflor” close to Bergamo (Italy), proposes us a really tender compositions for the most romantic day of the year: Saint Valentine. A sweet and soft little bear that is the messenger of love and of crystal design flowers.

In some cases, the sweet stuffed animal stays together with the precious lady bug on the flower, in a grass basket with wax roses, in some other cases the little bear holds Rosabella and comes cheerfully out of a heart decorated envelope.


It is a gift that surely strikes women: the sweetness and cheerfulness of a stuffed animal ready to  be tightened and cuddled together with a simple and significative flower, symbol of love and kindness. A beautiful present, dedicated to incurable romantics! :)


What about you? What would you create with Crystal flowers?

If you have any ideas or you have already used  the Crystal flowers to create artistic compositions or particular decorations send us an e-mail ( and soon you will see the pictures of your creations here on our website.

Postato Giovedi 30 Gennaio 2014 - 11:29

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Articolo tratto da: Crystal design .it by Guerra sas - HandMade in Italy - Crystal Design by Guerra I.E. sas - Varese - Milano - Italy - fiori cristallo bomboniere articoli regalo crystal design gift flower crystal design -
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