
Read 2015 News

Natural beauty


Rosabella the unique real stabilised rose, embellished with Swarovski elements, born from the match of the artificial element of the stalk and the natural part of a real rose bud, dresses itself for 2015 of an entirely Natural beauty. Natural means that every rose is real, in every single part of it and for this reason different from all the others, beautiful for that. The natural beauty of this rose is its peculiarity in every single detail, like for example the type of leaves, the bud' shape, the petals consistency, that make it unique. Rosabella is an elegant rose that could be conserved in its specific box, it will never wither because it is a flower that, thanks to a specific treatment, is stabilised its ageing is blocked to the moment when it was cut to allow its original characteristics of beauty and freshness lasting for a long time.

Today we present the news in Rosabella Collection:

Rosabella Natural: it is a stabilised rose, the stalk and the bud are both 100% natural elements. A petals corolla made with Swarovski crystal to enlighten the flower. Rosabella is available in big size h 55 cm or small size h 26 cm.

There are plenty occasions in which it could be given as a gift, and we should not forget that its beauty will last in time (at least 4/5 years if you keep it in its specific box).

Rosabella Natural Charms: a 100% natural rose, a point of light made with Swarovski crystal that embellish it and turns it into a perfect gift; a nice pendant jewel that could be re-invented at a later time in everyday life in woman's bijoux. Rosabella Natural Charms is available in four different Swarovski subjects: Butterfly pendant, Star pendant and Heart pendant available in red or in transparent crystal.

According to the bulletin 37 published 22/07/2014 by the Ministry of Economic Development trademark licensing section; Rosabella is today a registered brand by Guerra l.E. sas. This is useful to protect our product which is original in its idea and in its name from imitations and abuses and to guarantee more safety to the customer, who can be sure of the product he is buying. You can find Rosabella collection in our shops all around Italy. A gift is always welcomed, but if it is Rosabella it will surely be a nice present...the unique rose that will make you be remembered in time!

Postato Mercoledi 05 Novembre 2014 - 14:38

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Articolo tratto da: Crystal design .it by Guerra sas - HandMade in Italy - Crystal Design by Guerra I.E. sas - Varese - Milano - Italy - fiori cristallo bomboniere articoli regalo crystal design gift flower crystal design -
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