Gift ideas

Crystal Flowers


Near Padova (Italy) at “Fioreria Sartori”, you can find these remarkable gift ideas packed with a lot of flair and creativity.

A funny idea is the small gift bag where a beautiful rose unusually blooms, a small butterfly finds its space and inserts itself giving brightness and lightness to the composition.

In these atmosphere pictures: small precious thoughts packed with passion and mastery.



The flower made of crystal give a touch of magic and charm to the creation matching perfectly both with the fine materials increasing the perception of their particular characteristics, and with the less refined materials proposing a new qualification.

Talking about that it is interesting the contrast obtained by the use of a natural material 100% biodegradable and recyclable like the juta. It is a cheap  and poor textile mainly use to wrap packages. However in this case it becomes the protagonist and creates the structure of the composition.

The colored tulle, with its transparent net “paint” without weigh the creation. The Crystal Flower is the gift, a touch of light that enclose and embellish the whole composition.


What about you? What would you create with Crystal flowers?

If you have any ideas or you have already used  the Crystal flowers to create artistic compositions or particular decorations send us an e-mail ( and soon you will see the pictures of your creations here on our website.

Article published on: Crystal design .it by Guerra sas - HandMade in Italy - Crystal Design by Guerra I.E. sas - Varese - Milano - Italy - fiori cristallo bomboniere articoli regalo crystal design gift flower crystal design -
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