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Magnet Butterfly


We left it in the post last year ...
“'s like a mania, if you could see my fridge you would easily become aware of this, I collect magnets, my habit is to take a magnet in every place I visit, and by looking at my friends and acquaintance houses I became aware that I'm not the only one. It's a fashion that spreads out and it's really amazing to see them all giving colour and personality to a standard object like the fridge, the back side of a iron door or a washing machine. They are mostly magnets nice…”

From this starting point we started thinking to give a new life to the magnet of furniture and to re-qualify them with the use of the crystal. So that the "Good Luck Magnets" collection was born.
After almost a year, and after the success of "Good Luck Magnets", we decided to renew the collection, adding new subjects to anticipate Spring!
So colorful and brilliant ... Here's the line " Butterfly Magnet"!
There are six different subjects, the particularity is in the wings, each subject is made by various shapes of crystal elements.
The butterfly is symbol of playfulness, metamorphosis and beauty... choose the subject you prefer to enrich your collection of magnets and remember that every subject is available in 8 colors.
A New life for a product that is always fashionable. The magnet is a small product, cheap but with an important profit. It can  transmit pieces of information, emotions, or memories linked to an event. It's a good idea for a young gift that can become also an object to collecting.
A fridge without magnets is empty, use every magnet to remember something beautiful, to decorate the space and give yourself the possibility to create a beautiful picture that stand out from the fridge wall. Give free expression to your creativity: dispose, fix pictures and messages or keep in evidence important documents. Discover the six models “Butterfly Magnets” in the authorized Crystal Design shops. You can recognize them by a big Butterfly exhibitor with the personalized logo, original and unique.

Postato Mercoledi 04 Marzo 2015 - 18:06

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