Read The creations of December

Lovely dreamlike nature


We conclude the year, presenting the creations of the shop "Erica" close to Cuneo (Italy) . Creations that evoke a dreamlike nature, Christmas atmosphere, which lead us to the magic of this period of the year. Colorful jars are decorated with mastery, with high taste and refinement in matchings.


In the photo above there are some gift ideas, thoughts give for new year, four leaved clover and ladybugs on the stem, from the collection "Crystal Flowers", are presented in Christmas decorations near the Magnets' exhibitor “Good Luck”. Although small objects are very particoular, compositions are always balanced in colors and shapes and each component is in perfect harmony with all the rest.


The Crystal flower gives a precious touch of light to the creation, making it precious, tying it perfectly up with the other elements of the composition that are chosen with careful and sensivity. So around each subject of Crystal, born tiny different stories; each creation has its own development, its own physicality that distinguishes it and makes it particular for its character and atmosphere from the others.

What about you? What would you create with Crystal Flowers?

If you have any ideas or you have already used  the Crystal Flowers to create artistic compositions or particular decorations send us an e-mail (  and soon you will see the pictures of your creations here on this website.

Postato Lunedi 29 Dicembre 2014 - 15:51

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